Garden World EXP and Money Cheats

Garden World Coin and EXP Latest Cheats

Here then the steps to follow:

Exp Steps:
1. Go into Garden World on Facebook

2. Open cheat engine (4bytes)

3. Scan current exp points. A few addresses returned.

4. Purchase a 'Dirt Planter' to gain 1 exp

5. Next Scan new exp points. Addresses should be reduced. Repeat step 4 and step 5 till only 1 address remain.

6. Change the value to 200,000 for level 50 (you will now be KingFlower)

7. Even after refresh, you will still be lvl 50. And you can now purchase level 50 items only after refresh.

Coins Steps:
1. Scan current coins. A few addresses returned.

2. Sell a plant or purchase a plant.

3. Next Scan new coins. Addresses should be reduced. Repeat step 2 and 3 till only 1 address remain.

4. Change the value to 999999. Although the coins in game will not change, you can now purchase expensive items without spending coins. Can’t seem to purchase quick growth and upgrade garden however.


Firefox/Chrome (Prefer Firefox)
Adobe Flash 9/10
Cheat Engine [Click Here]

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Looking for a Tips and Tricks in the Application Game that you are in Facebook? Then this site might help you to improve strategy and game guide. You could also use the Cheats that would somehow make you less efficient. Cheats help you to instantly become rich rather than waiting for you Application Game to level up and become rich. Use wisely!

*Important Note*
If you cannot find the Tool you needed for the Hacks, Just click the Cheat Tools above and there you can find the list of Tools you need.


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